Dr. Adilah A. Wahab

The author is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya, and may be reached at adilahw@um.edu.my

Future-proofing our pension system

In Malaysia, the average life expectancy in 2023 is...


Reducing the impact of landslides

By Dr Mohd Talha Anees Almost half of Peninsular Malaysia...

Let’s go for smarter healthcare to stop heart attacks

By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khor Sook Mei Heart attacks remain...

Mengukur kemiskinan asnaf dengan tanda aras multidimensi

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The treasure in non-coding RNAs

By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Yat Yuen For decades, scientists...

He is the epitome of a leader

By Mohammad Tariqur Rahman The leadership qualities of Prophet Muhammad...

Bukti cinta kita kepada baginda

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Our shield and hazard

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Demi cinta kita

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Empowering them for our future

By Ahmad Ibrahim The world is increasingly driven by science,...

Kezaliman Israel melampaui batas kemanusiaan

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