Tag: neurodivergent

They are part of our workplace

The landscape of the contemporary workplace is continuously evolving and may disrupt many current organizational work structures and operations. For example, the emerging workplace policy that supports neurodiversity or neuro-inclusivity have become the main agenda for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) for many organizations.


Beware of them

By Prof. Dr. Siti Nursheena Mohd Zain School holidays in...

Melurus kekeliruan Rejab

Oleh: Prof. Dr. Khadijah Mohd Khambali @ Hambali Setiap kali...

For our tomorrow

Eco-Labelling in Malaysia and China: Strategies for environmental conservation...

Our tour

By: Assoc. Prof. Sr Dr. Zuraini Md Ali Every corner...

Mengapa dia?

Oleh: Dr Mohd Firdaus Abdullah Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) baru-baru...