“I am naturally curious, and love to explore things around me. Learning new things, being creative, and helpful to others. And I believe being an academic allows me to do all that.
Academia allows me to be me.”
Dr. Nahrizul Adib Kadri @nahrizuladib is an Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering @unimalaya. Among the many hats that he wore since joining UM in 2003, he loved being with the students the most. He was a Residential College Fellow at @avicenna.kkis (2003) and @kk3kurshiah (2011) before appointed as the Principal at @kolejkeduaum (2014) and @royal12th (2017).
An alumnus of UM, Dr. Adib now spends his time sharing stories of @unimalaya to the media, and may be contacted at nahrizuladib@um.edu.my
Hari Akademia Malaysia merupakan sambutan tahunan yang dimulakan pada tahun 2019, diisytiharkan pada 5 Oktober oleh Menteri Pendidikan ketika itu, Dr. Maszlee Malik @maszlee. Sambutan ini dilakukan bagi menghargai jasa dan sumbangan para pensyarah, sebagai sebahagian dari tonggak utama institusi pendidikan negara.
📷 Nahrizul Adib Kadri