Beyond these walls

By Dr Noralina Omar It was raining that afternoon. The kind of rain that makes you retreat into yourself, hands buried in pockets, head down,...

Revolutionary blooms

By Nahrizul Adib Kadri I often lament about how in the swirling chaos of modern life, where notifications ping relentlessly, to-do lists stretch endlessly, and...

Masih perlu

Oleh: Dr Ariyanti Mustapha Perkembangan Teknologi Kecerdasan (AI) yang semakin pantas dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan manusia pada hari ini telah membawa pelbagai impak kepada global....

Tangani secara holistik

Oleh: Mohd Khairi Ismail Kos sara hidup merujuk kepada jumlah perbelanjaan yang diperlukan oleh isi rumah untuk mengekalkan taraf hidup tertentu. Ia melibatkan perbelanjaan asas...

Our breaking points

By Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Ibrahim Few would deny that the world is in poor shape. All those pronouncements about ending poverty and stopping world...

No can do

By Nahrizul Adib Kadri In Paulo Coelho’s 1988 novel ‘The Alchemist’, there’s a theme that stays with me: “When you say ‘yes’ to others, make...

Fighting poverty, together

By Dato Seri Mustapa Mohamad, Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Ibrahim Malaysia is a country blessed with abundant natural resources. Logically, there should be no reason...

Suruhan mengasihinya

Oleh: Dr. Mohd Istajib Mokhtar Islam telah menggariskan etika haiwan yang universal dan komprehensif berdasarkan sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Di dalam artikel ini, hadis-hadis berkaitan etika...

Working together for solutions

By Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Ibrahim If asked to name a factor impeding the UN-SDGs, few would disagree it is poverty. This is why ending...

Berkasih dan berihsan

Oleh: Dr. Siti Aisyah Samudin Islam adalah agama yang menekankan prinsip ihsan, iaitu berbuat baik dengan cara yang terbaik kepada semua makhluk ciptaan Allah, termasuk...


Beyond these walls

By Dr Noralina Omar It was raining that afternoon. The...

Bila dia ‘halal’

Oleh: Prof. Madya Dr. Nur Amani Ahmad Tajuddin Vape atau...

Menyantuni mereka di pinggir ibu kota

Pada 29 Disember 2024, Seramai 40 orang pelajar dari...

For our future

By: Lee Wai Guan, Dr. Mohd Istajib Mokhtar Imagine a...

Say it better

By Nahrizul Adib Kadri Not going into the arguments for...

Permata Kinabalu perkasakan mereka

Oleh: Muhammad Taftazany Abd Rahman Dalam era globalisasi yang pesat...

Pendidikan metaverse

Oleh: Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Siti Hajar Halili Kemajuan pesat...

Our broadcasting legacy

By Zuraini Md Ali, Nurul Alia Ahamad Every year on...

Starting early

By Fareen Ali Thousands of children in Malaysia will be...

Ancaman kita

Oleh: Prof. Madya Dr. Azmawaty Mohamad Nor, Nik Rafhan...