Tag: surface plasmon

Rapid dengue detection using surface plasmon

Diagnosing dengue infections is a difficult task for the...


Ubi kayu is not the answer

Rather than viewing rising costs as insurmountable barriers, we should seek alternative ways to fulfil our actual desires and aspirations. Perhaps it could mean hosting potluck lunches and dinners with friends, where each person brings a dish (or leftovers?) to share. Or perhaps it involves exploring outdoor picnics in the park, or preparing prep-meals for the whole week in the fridge.

Jaga adab Aidilfitrimu

Alangkah bertuahnya umat Islam kerana diganjari pahala beribadah apabila menyambut hari raya. Ia salah satu keseronokan yang diberi pahala di sisi Allah SWT apabila betul adabnya dan bersesuaian dengan sunnah Rasullullah SAW.

Jangan biarkan jarak memisahkan

Jauh di mata, dekat di hati, merupakan salah satu ungkapan yang sering meniti di bibir masyarakat apabila tidak dapat berjumpa dengan orang yang tersayang sewaktu menjelang Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Tradisi budaya dan nilai yang sering diamalkan dan masih dikekalkan bagi masyarakat kita adalah pulang ke kampung halaman untuk menyambut perayaan ini bersama ahli keluarga.

Dental fillings are not forever

In the world of dental care, the longevity of dental fillings is a topic of interest. Contrary to popular belief, dental fillings are not designed to last a lifetime. Understanding the intricacies of their lifespan and the influencing factors proves crucial for both patients and dentists, especially when considering the economical and cost-effective aspects, aiming for fillings to endure as long as possible.

They deserve a confident smile during Aidilfitri too

Aidilfitri is a joyous celebration of the end of Ramadan, celebrated by Muslims all over the world. As families gather to share love, laughter, and gratitude, it’s important to consider how individuals with dentures can enjoy this festive season. By ensuring their comfort and confidence in wearing dentures, denture wearers will be able to fully embrace the spirit of this special occasion.