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Inisiatif AI kerajaan penuhi tuntutan maqasid syariah

Justeru itu dengan wujudnya platform AI Untuk Rakyat ia merupakan pemangkin untuk seluruh rakyat Malaysia mempelajari ilmu AI yang semakin berkembang dan memerlukan kemahiran ilmu, etika dan kebijaksanaan dalam mengendalikannya.

Jauhi 6 sindrom dalam beragama

Pada masa kini, umat Islam masih lagi berpecah dan berselisih, serta gagal mencari titik temu dalam mewujudkan perpaduan bersama. Tidak kira isu fundamental atau isu cabang, tiada persepakatan dalam kalangan mereka, sama ada pada peringkat agamawan atau orang awam.

Pick one; just one

In the end, success is not about reaching a predetermined destination but about embracing the journey, learning from our experiences, and growing along the way. So let us embrace the journey wholeheartedly, trusting that by being diligent, conscientious, and resilient, we will ultimately find our way to fulfilment and our very own intended meaning of success.

The Gaza Educide

The bombings of these educational institutions raised a question whether there was a deliberate intent to dismantle Gaza’s entire education system.

RCEP and its stabilizing role

As geopolitical tensions escalate in the Middle East, the significance of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for Malaysia has come under renewed scrutiny. With global trade routes potentially threatened, particularly those vital for oil and gas, RCEP could serve as a crucial stabilizer for Malaysia's economy.

Perpetuating the Prophet’s traditions of Syawal

Following the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims eagerly anticipate fasting six days in Syawal to garner additional blessings. This practice finds its basis in a Hadith where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) proclaimed, “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Syawal, it will be as if he fasted for a year.” (Reported by Muslim)

The devil wears narcissism

While narcissism can sometimes be mistaken for confidence or ambition, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. On the positive side, narcissists often show charisma and charm on the outset, making them good candidates for leadership roles and networking at first glances.

Teruskan bersolidariti bersama mereka dalam riang Aidilfitri

Marilah sama-sama kita menghayati amalan bertakbir pada Syawal ini dengan menzahirkan keimanan dan ketaatan, mengharapkan doa-doa kita dikabulkan, umat Islam di Palestin dan seluruh dunia diberikan kejayaan dan keselamatan dalam hidup mereka serta istiqamah dalam membela tanah suci umat Islam tersebut sehingga ia dapat disucikan dari kejahatan rejim Zionis Israel.

Hajar ingin bawa anak muda jadi solusi kepada isu masyarakat setempat

Berpegang teguh dengan ungkapan ‘negara adalah cerminan rakyatnya’, Hajar mendedikasikan usaha dan tenaganya di dalam Parlimen Belia untuk mengintegrasi dan mensinergikan usaha-usaha strategik yang diilhamkan di institusi pendidikan untuk direalisasikan di peringkat komuniti.

Chocolates, anyone?

Let us all embrace life’s surprises and gifts with open arms, preferably with a box of chocolates in hand!