18 April 2024

Rozana Othman


Segalanya demi senyuman mereka

Tiada ibu bapa yang sanggup melihat anak mereka menanggung kesakitan. Masalah sakit gigi yang akut selalunya berpunca daripada gigi berlubang yang tidak dirawat. Penyakit ini selalunya tidak menunjukkan sebarang gejala sehingga ianya telah terlambat. Anak anda mungkin mengalami masalah tidak boleh makan atau tidur kerana menahan kesakitan yang berpunca daripada gigi.

Malaysia yang bagaimana akan kita tinggalkan kepada mereka?

Barangkali timbul persoalan pada benak sesetengah insan, cukup Muslimkah kita ini apabila mampu menunjukkan kemarahan dalam setiap isu yang berkaitan dengan agama sendiri?

Is it not a trial for us too?

Yet, our brothers and sisters in Palestine, the esteemed land of the prophets and the Night of Ascension of Prophet Muhammad to the heavens, as described in the Quran: “Glory be to the One Who took His servant Muhammad by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs” (Surah al-Isra, 17: 1), deserve our solidarity.

15 tip berhari raya penuh adab dan etika

Tarikh 1 Syawal disambut setiap tahun dengan penuh meriah demi meraikan kemenangan umat Islam seluruh dunia. Hari Raya Aidilfitri merupakan sambutan meraikan kemenangan dalam melawan musuh nombor satu – hawa nafsu. Jihad melawan nafsu ini dibantu dengan senjata-senjata ibadat yang hebat, terutamanya puasa – dengan menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga serta perbuatan yang boleh membatalkannya dari terbit fajar sehingga terbenamnya matahari selama kurang lebih 30 hari.

Berilah kepada mereka yang benar-benar berhak

Bulan Ramadan menjanjikan pahala yang berlipatganda kepada umat Islam tanpa mengira sama ada ia adalah amalan yang wajib atau sunat. Umumnya terdapat pelbagai amalan sunat yang digalakkan ketika bulan Ramadan seperti membaca al-Quran, berzikir, solat sunat, bersedekah dan pelbagai amalan kebajikan lain.


Did you know that there is a wide range of career options for students of pharmacy?

“Of course they will be able to work at the pharmacies and hospitals; but they can also venture into retail/community pharmacy (be the owner of the pharmacy!), pharmaceutical industry (developing and manufacturing pharmaceutical products!), entrepreneurship (making their own products), regulatory affairs and legal stuff (e.g. NPRA and enforcement), and research-cum-academician,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rozana Othman, Deputy Dean (Research and Development), Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Malaya. She is also currently the Deputy Head, Centre for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery (CENAR).

Dr. Rozana at her workstation at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Speaking of research, this UM alumni is also the lead investigator in various studies revolving around computational modeling for drug discovery i.e. using computer simulations to create new drugs!

This Brunei-born also helped other research groups in UM to find and test suitable compounds to be potential drugs, particularly using local plants and herbs.

Her next project is on developing an intelligent system that can help quicken the drug discovery route (which currently takes anywhere between 10-15 years!) by simulating the molecular interactions of the potential compounds using machine learning.

Drop Dr. Rozana an email at rozanaothman@um.edu.my if you would like her to help you test your chemical compounds to see for its drug potential, ya?

Siapa tahu you could be a billionaire of a new pharmaceutical company!

Dr. Rozana and her team, Dr. Heh Choon Han (left) and Mr. Asni Mohammad (right)

📸 Profile photos by Mohd. Yani Alias for PPP