Tag: palestine

Their edicts diverge from its true meanings

The situation is worsened when such dehumanizing rhetoric emanates from Jewish scholars and religious figures, advocating for the slaughter of Gazan women and children under the guise of “Jewish law”.

The Gaza Educide

The bombings of these educational institutions raised a question whether there was a deliberate intent to dismantle Gaza’s entire education system.

Hakikat kemenangan sebenar Aidilfitri

Dalam pada kita bergembira menyambut hari raya di negara yang madani, aman dan sentosa, dengan menikmati juadah mewah, berpakaian indah dan bergelak ketawa, jangan sesekali kita alpa dan melupakan nasib yang menimpa saudara seagama kita di luar sana, yang masih lagi menderita kebuluran akibat peperangan.

Aidilfitri dan erti sebuah pembebasan

Bukan lagi godaan syaitan dan hawa nafsu sahaja, tetapi diuji dengan peperangan yang panjang, penindasan, pembunuhan beramai-ramai, kemusnahan kediaman dan harta benda yang boleh dikatakan sebagai satu penjajahan moden terhadap rakyat Palestin. Apa yang mereka hadapi adalah lebih dasyat dan teruk.

Is it not a trial for us too?

Yet, our brothers and sisters in Palestine, the esteemed land of the prophets and the Night of Ascension of Prophet Muhammad to the heavens, as described in the Quran: “Glory be to the One Who took His servant Muhammad by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs” (Surah al-Isra, 17: 1), deserve our solidarity.


Reducing the impact of landslides

By Dr Mohd Talha Anees Almost half of Peninsular Malaysia...

Let’s go for smarter healthcare to stop heart attacks

By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khor Sook Mei Heart attacks remain...

Mengukur kemiskinan asnaf dengan tanda aras multidimensi

Oleh: Dr. Muhammad Nooraiman Zailani Isu kemiskinan amat sukar untuk...

The treasure in non-coding RNAs

By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Yat Yuen For decades, scientists...

He is the epitome of a leader

By Mohammad Tariqur Rahman The leadership qualities of Prophet Muhammad...